From feeling stuck to full of clarity… Convert your wild ideas into inspired action and finally access the success you’ve been craving.

Book Your Intensive Day Now

How would you feel having a roadmap for your upcoming months in business? To be able to know when things are happening and how you’re going to achieve everything you want?

You might have an idea in mind for your business, perhaps a launch, a new product or an irresistible lead magnet.

You may even be experiencing a great deal of interest in what you have to offer but your current systems aren’t enabling business to seamlessly flow. 

Finally, your intuition is confusing you. You’re letting fear hold you back and staying right within your comfort zone.

Ugh! I know what it’s like

It’s overwhelming, disheartening and confusing. 

You want to be productive, plan launches and excel but there’s too many roadblocks: be that tech, strategy, time constraints, imposter syndrome, or simply not knowing where to start.

I’ve been there, done that and now I’ve designed systems and methods to help me through these times. 

Sometimes all you need is an extra hand to take an objective approach to your business and guide you through a new strategy.

To put this into context, I’ve supported over 250+ entrepreneurs build strategies and systems for their online businesses over the past 8 years.

Paving the way to your next big business goal shouldn’t take you months of deliberation. 

Once you know how to approach what you desire and make that plan to take action, you’ve got a huge chance of achieving way more than you thought you could.

For the past 8 years I’ve had a successful VA business but it involved taking a HUGE leap of faith and lots of challenges along the way.

Back in 2014, I was in the corporate world and decided to leave full-time employment to become a VA / OBM. 

Elite VA Limited was born. I was desperate to make it a success. I put an immense amount of pressure on myself to learn everything I could. 

I was trying to hush the ‘noise’ of the online world whilst simultaneously being deafened by it. I attended countless webinars, masterclasses and expensive training sessions. 

It took me 4 years to learn all I could about running a business in the digital age. 

I’m always learning and refreshing my knowledge but I can say with certainty that I have a great understanding about the best tools for digital marketing, membership platforms, list building, launches and so much more. 

Oh and did I mention I now have a huge love for tech? I honestly couldn’t do without it!

But here’s the thing, when learning all of this I took the long way around and I don’t want the same for you. 

This is why I want to offer you 1 to 1 support to help you strategise, streamline your processes, incorporate nifty but easy to use (I promise!) tech and organise your ideas into actionable, inspired steps.

Ok that’s not all… It takes two to tango and I firmly believe that as much as we have our ‘doing’ side in business, the side that gets sh*t done, we also have our ‘being’ side. 

There’s a wonderful duality of the being and doing energy in business that isn’t explored enough!

I want to offer you help with balancing your thoughts, tapping into your desires so you feel you’re chasing the right goal and setting up each business day to work for you

Over the years, I’ve invested heavily in my mindset from being personally coached by spiritual mentors and mindset coaches, to opening myself up to new information from books and courses to retreats and a lot of self-reflection.

My intuition nudged me to create a healthy and resilient mental space before diving deep into my new business. So, that’s just what I did. 

I invested in support to help me move through trauma, heal old wounds and step into a better version of myself, as someone who was energetically and mentally open to pastures new. 

I want you to set yourself up in a similar way.

This is a new approach to business support which doesn’t just look at the logical, rational things. I want to take a holistic approach and also work with your energy, intuition and soul-led decisions. 

By soul-led, I mean those decisions you make which light you up and scream ‘Yes! I’m on the right path’.

So where does my help come in?

Spend an entire day with me where we strategise, plan and create an achievable and desirable roadmap to your next big goal. 

Any destination is reachable, it just requires time and thought to plan the best journey there.

  • Pre-Session Questionnaire: completed 48-hours prior to our day together. I’ll ask you key questions to allow us to deep dive on your Intensive Day.

  • 1 x 6-hour one-to-one session with me online. We’ll get to the root of your project and build a strategy you can implement with ease.

  • Trello or Asana board with key notes and actions. Our session takeaways will be noted down for you, so you can take action immediately. 

  • Learning to balance the ‘being’ and the ‘doing’. We won’t just cover the to-do list but we’ll also make sure you’re in touch with your soul desires, so that you’re truly making the right decisions.

  • Ideas for new daily practices and how to use intuition and fear to your advantage in business.

  • Additional resources tailored just to you to help you with your strategy
  • Relieved that you’ve finally decided on your next launch and how to make it happen.

  • Supported by new systems that aren’t only helping you but impressing your clients.

  • Rested by enjoying more freedom after making your business work for you. 

  • Rewarded by your hard work with an engaged and interested audience.

  • Invigorated! You’re finally back to doing what you love and not getting bogged down by admin and the business tasks that don’t light you up.

  • Like yourself again. We’ll be taking a holistic approach. I’m talking about mindset, emotions, desires, the whole shebang.
  • Product or Podcast Launch Planning – find clarity and relief by finally deciding on which products or services you’re going to market this year. 

  • Systems and Automations for your Coaching Business – allow your systems to support what you offer and ‘wow’ your clients with a premium service. 

  • List Building and Audience Growth – turn your passive audience into an engaged, active group who buy from you.

  • Action Plan for Freedom – determining what will bring you freedom in your business and preparing a juicy action plan to put systems in place to give you more time and space.

  • Daily Practices – set yourself up for a day of joy. Yes, that’s right, you can experience joy in business too!

  • Mindset Tips – know how to navigate your intuition and your emotions to find out what they’re trying to tell you.
Book Your Intensive Day Now

I’m also offering you another call with me for free! 

  • 1 x 30-minute check-in call. My support doesn’t end after our Intensive Day.  3 weeks after our session, I’ll give you a call to check in and make sure you’re nailing your plan to achieve your goals. 

Plus, I’ve got some useful resources that I can’t wait to share with you!

  • Resources for you to keep forever and use in your business, such as guidance on your ideal client and how to’s on: funnels, automations, webinars and so much more.

I’m only taking on 10 new clients this year because I need to have space to give you my best energy, ideas and support.

Just imagine how it would feel to have your 90 day plan mapped out after our session…

You’d be stepping into the next stage of your business with a renewed sense of purpose, direction and passion. 

After your Intensive Day, I’ll prepare you a bespoke action plan on a project management tool of your choice. That means you won’t have to worry about forgetting anything and the plan will be done for you. Another task ticked off your list!

That’s why I’m offering a payment plan so you don’t have to pay in full. You can spread the cost over 2 monthly instalments.

Plus, payments are always made securely through Stripe.

And it goes without saying, anything we cover in our session stays in our session. Your data and ideas are always safe with me.

Payment in Full Β£666 + VAT
Payment in 2 x Monthly Instalments Β£333 + VAT